Animal-Kind International

Nov 12, 2021

AKI Grantee: Nairobi Feline Sanctuary

Updated: Jan 3, 2022

Nairobi Feline Sanctuary builds sleeping units & quarantine rooms

Nairobi Feline Sanctuary completed their AKI grant-funded sanctuary improvement project: They built 65 kitty condo sleeping units (25 more than planned!) and a quarantine area. it was a big job requiring carpentry expertise. But because of the importance of these improvements to the sanctuary's operations, NFS fast-tracked the work and completed it in 1 1/2 months.

NFS built 65 kitty condos

Rachel Kabue, NFS Director, said, "These sleeping units have completely changed the sanctuary, and increased our efficiency. The sleeping units are ideal for cats that are new to the sanctuary and need a place to hide. They have also enabled us to reduce infections in the sanctuary by more than 90%. We are indebted to Animal-Kind International as we feel this is the most important aspect of any shelter, safe, warm and separate sleeping arrangements."

NFS also constructed two quarantine rooms, detached from the main sanctuary areas, that can quarantine up to 8 cats.

One of the new quarantine rooms

A new quarantine room

The improvements will allow NFS to care for more cats at the sanctuary, which is so important in Nairobi, where cats are so maligned, misunderstood, and mistreated. NFS not only provides a safe and comfortable living space for cats and spays/neuters owned and stray cats, they also educate people about cats. Just one visit to the sanctuary will greatly increase a person's knowledge and appreciation of cats.

NFS is also looking beyond their sanctuary. According to Rachel, "We have created a model that we plan to replicate in other regions in our country. And the units we built are sustainable and very durable in case we need to move and expand the sanctuary."

Enjoy some of the kitty antics and the beautiful kitties at the Nairobi Feline Sanctuary:

Cookie in her kitty condo

Lesley enjoying her new kitty condo

Saba and Lesley: planning a prank?

Kitty play time
Lesley's kittens comfy-but alert-in their condo unit

With extra boards, a sleeping unit was built that attaches to the NFS desk