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The AKI-Lilongwe SPCA Partnership-A Retrospective

Writer's picture: Animal-Kind InternationalAnimal-Kind International

Although we're saying goodbye to Lilongwe SPCA as an AKI partner organization, we want to reflect on our accomplishments over the past 4 years. Besides the infrastructure that AKI donors have funded (see previous AKI Blog post), LSPCA has been able to rescue many dogs and cats and bring them back to health--thanks to AKI supporters. Here are a few of their stories.

Ellen and Robyn (see photo below) were brought to the LSPCA by the Malawi police after being confiscated from a roadside vendor. With the help of the LSPCA, the government of Malawi and

the Lilongwe Police Department have been cracking down on the roadside pet trade. Cases in

which rabid puppies and kittens were sold to unsuspecting people have spurred the crackdown. As of mid-2015, over 70 cases have been prosecuted. The confiscated animals are taken to the LSPCA, where they are checked by a vet, vaccinated, and dewormed and after a quarantine period, they are available for adoption.



This puppy was rescued near the Michiru Hotel in Lilongwe. When he first arrived at the LSPCA, he was weak and dehydrated, and then he developed a breathing problem. He was put on antibiotics and was given nutritional supplements, and he recovered completely. (See after and before pictures below).

Five Puppies

These guys were abandoned in a cardboard box outside the LSPCA compound. The LSPCA immediately took the puppies in and gave them a thorough medical exam. Most of the puppies were in poor health, malnourished, infested with fleas, had poor skin condition and bad diarrhea. Despite LSPCA vets doing everything they could, 4 of them died a few days later.... luckily one survived (picture immediately below).

Security Dogs Rescued

After receiving tips from the public, the LSPCA team rescued two dogs in Area 4 in Lilongwe, who were being kept as security guards at a compound. But the dogs were not being cared for, and had not been given their rabies vaccines in years.

One of the guards told the LSPCA that he found the older dog on the premises when he started working there in 1996! That would make the older guy at least 18 years old! Both dogs were weak and had dirty, matted coats and lots of wounds on their bodies including on their noses. With assistance from the Malawi Police, the LSPCA confiscated the dogs and took them back to the LSPCA for proper care.

Squiffy's Story

The LSPCA veterinary team captured and rescued Squiffy from the street in Lilongwe. He was skin and bones (1st picture below) and had a few cuts, presumably from where stones were thrown at him. But generally he was good natured right from the start. At first, he was kept at the LSPCA clinic for treatment and observation. Once recovered from his ordeal (2nd picture below), he was moved over to the LSPCA’s quarantine facilities, and then to the regular kennels, where he was available for adoption.

In April 2014, LSPCA sent this update on Squiffy:

Squiffy's doing great, he's put on weight, and he's loving his daily walks. Donations from AKI have helped cover Squiffy's care. Thank you!

(Squiffy was eventually adopted.)


An AKI supporter read about Chuck in an AKI newsletter, and was so moved by his story, the supporter sent money to AKI to cover Chuck's care. Chuck had been found unconscious in the street in Lilongwe, and brought to the LSPCA. The cat must have been lying in the street for several hours in 35 degree heat and was close to death!

He had severe head trauma and advanced dehydration. But after a few days of treatment, Chuck became more responsive and aware of his surroundings. He took his first tentative steps after a few days at the LSPCA clinic.

Eventually, he started acting like a healthy, active kitty. But it seemed his eyesight would suffer permanent damage. Chuck can pick out images, but may never have full sight. Even so, he's been adopted by an LSPCA volunteer, and has a safe, loving home.

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