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Helping Hands for Hounds of Honduras: How HHHH used AKI funds (September-December 2017)

Here's HHHH's report on what they've been able to do thanks to AKI donor funds (disbursement 2 of 2017, received 31 August).

But 1st, here's an update on Spot, whose case we featured in the previous AKI Blog about HHHH. Pilar found Spot when searching for another dog who had been reported to her. Spot was living at a lumber yard (1st picture below, yes Spot is the brown dog), was chained, starving, and had paraphimosis, an inability to retract his penis into the sheath. Pilar's vet was willing to try to help Spot. During that 1st vet visit, it turned out that Spot not only had the obvious issues, he also was severely anemic, had ehrlichia, he was covered with fleas, his blood ran like water, he was very dehydrated, and he couldn't stand up.

Spot, when Pilar found him at the lumber yard

Pilar brought Spot to the HHHH sanctuary (the Nereida Montes de Oca Refuge, named after Pilar's niece, who used to help her rescue cats and dogs, but died very prematurely), where he recovered quickly. Within a few weeks, he had gained 14 lbs. Spot, whose ex-owner claims that he's 14 to 15 years old, has a permanent spot on the HHHH couch! Finally, Spot can enjoy retirement.

Spot is now recovered, has gained weight, and is loving his retirement at the HHHH sanctuary

Spot loves his spot on the HHHH couch!

Another resident-but just a temporary one-at the sanctuary is kitty Olive, who was rescued in August from a military base, where there were regular threats of poisoning cats and dogs as a [cruel and only temporary] means of population control. Olive's rescuer, who now lives in the US, will be adopting her!

Olive, one of the lucky ones, escaped being killed at a military base

HHHH used this disbursement of AKI funds for vet care, spay/neuter, meds, cat and dog food, and for a helper, who assists Pilar to clean up, feed, and care for the HHHH animals ($10/day).

This rescued kitty was spayed thanks to AKI donors. The vet said she had one of the worst cases of pyometra he ever saw! Imagine how she was suffering and how much additional suffering was prevented thanks to Pilar/HHHH and you, our donors!

Kitty after surgery-recovering from 1 of the worst pyometra cases

Surgery showing kitty's uterus-1 of the worst cases of pyometra that Pilar's vet ever saw

Thanks to your support, HHHH/Pilar was able to help 2 rescued shepherds. Antena, who was rescued by an elderly nurse in a poor neighborhood, was very anemic and had multiple tumors and pyometra. Sadly, her body was just too weak and she died 3 days after spay surgery. Emilia (who goes by Emi, 3 pictures below), was abandoned by Catholic monks, who didn't want to take responsibility for her care--she had anemia and ehrlichia, was very thin (about 20 lbs underweight) and needed to be spayed. Emi is being fostered by a colleague of Pilar's and they're looking for a permanent home for this beautiful girl.

Beautiful Emi, abandoned because she was ill

Emil, relaxing and healthy

Emi, during her spay surgery

Thanks to our AKI donors, HHHH was able to purchase special dog food for 3 months for Nala and Lucy, 2 of HHHH's special needs dogs. Nala, an old lady cocker spaniel, was thrown out by her owner and rescued from the street by the next door neighbor's son. She has skin issues and digestive problems. Lucy is a 15 year-old completely blind toy poodle--one eye is missing and she has severe cataracts in the other eye, and the very few teeth that she has are in bad shape.

Nala, special needs dog

Lucy, blind and elderly

AKI funds also covered blood tests for HHHH dogs, flea and tick prevention meds, Drontol, a de-wormer, medicated shampoo for Nala for her dermatitis, and other meds needed for these mostly older and/or special needs cats and dogs at the Nereida Montes de Oca Refuge.

HHHH has been hosting some wonderful, committed, young volunteers, which gives us all hope for the future of animals in Honduras. Below are pictures of volunteers from Del Campo International School, shampooing, walking, playing, and having fun with HHHH dogs.

Del Campo students walking HHHH dogs

Del Campo students

Del Campo students bathing Bootsy

Pilar showing before-after pictures of sanctuary cats and dogs

Thank you Del Campo students!

We asked Pilar about her future plans for HHHH. Briefly, she said, "I foresee more humane education involving the local elementary and high schools, but the main focus will continue to be rescue of abandoned dogs and cats and their medical treatment, spay/neuter, and adoption. I hope to be able to promote more responsible pet ownership with advocating proper feeding, vaccinations, yearly check-ups, parasite control and s/n. With the vet, we have talked about making up cards for his clients to promote vaccinations and s/n as well as proper care of their pets on a daily basis and caring for animals that are sick and/or injured." Pilar told us that one of her biggest challenges is that "I need to find a way to make senior, non-breed dogs more appealing to potential adopters."

Thank you Pilar, HHHH volunteers, and our AKI donors, and together, Pilar, I hope we can make your vision a reality.

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