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Dogs in Namibia Africa walking along with kids in a township of Windhoek.

Animal-Kind International
La gentillesse envers les animaux n'a pas de frontières

Thanks to your support, our Partner Animal Rescue & Protection Organizations

(in Africa & Latin America/Caribbean) and our Africa-Based Grantees are helping 1000s

of dogs, cats, donkeys, and horses every day.  Our supported organizations are

Community-Based, Locally Rooted, Highly Effective, & Verified by AKI: We identify the most effective animal welfare organizations and ensure your donations are used only to rescue and protect animals.

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Your donations to Animal-Kind International are helping AKI Partner Organizations in:

  • Democratic Republic of Congo

  • Ghana

  • Liberia

  • Namibia

  • South Sudan

  • Uganda

  • Zimbabwe (our newest Partner!)

  • Honduras

  • Jamaica

Through our 7th Annual Africa-Based Animal Welfare Organization Grant Program, your donations also reach our 2024 Grant Recipients who work in:

  • Tanzania (2 grantees)

  • Kenya (2 grantees)

  • South Africa (4 grantees)

  • Rwanda

  • Israel

Our Friendly Audits Program, providing remote volunteers to select animal welfare organizations, is helping 2 additional organizations in Africa with technical and admin support.

Thanks to your support, in 2024, we are helping a total of 22 organizations working in 14 countries. Strengthening local animal rescue and protection organizations is the key to systemic, long-term improvements in animal welfare.

Animal-Kind International is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization incorporated in the

US State of New Mexico. 

100% of your donations go to our Partners & Grantees!

A boy in Liberia with his dog looking at a cell phone.

Animal-Kind International
La gentillesse envers les animaux n'a pas de frontières

In an update of their 2016 interview, Tracie Hotchner spoke to AKI Founder & Director, Karen Menczer. You can listen to the interview on the Dog Talk (and Kitties too) podcast: HELPING ANIMAL HELPERS AROUND THE WORLD

(Yes, Tracie is aware that Africa is a continent (and islands), not a country.)


Listen to Dr. Peter Spiegel with Animals Today interview AKI Founder/Director, Karen Menczer, here:

--the interview begins at 21.5 minutes.


If you aren't already a subscriber, you can subscribe to the Animals Today podcast at the link above, as well.

Animals Today Radio logo


Le rapport annuel 2021 d'AKI est disponible sur notre site Web ici, où vous pouvez également voir comment les dons des donateurs à AKI ont été désignés.


Depuis janvier 2022, Sauvons nos Animaux en République Démocratique du Congo est une Organisation Partenaire AKI !


Nous (ainsi que nos partenaires et bénéficiaires) faisons partie d'une exposition dans un musée allemand, "Wall of Fame":  (Wow!)


Intéressé par le mentorat pour notre programme "Friendly Audit" ? (voir ci-dessous). Nous jumelons un mentor avec un AWO en Afrique pour répondre aux besoins techniques et administratifs - écrivez-moi pour plus d'informations


Notre 5e programme annuel de subventions pour les organisations africaines de protection des animaux acceptera les propositions à la mi-2022. Nous publierons l'application et les conseils ici lorsqu'ils seront prêts.


Lisez notre Op Ed dans le Santa Fe New Mexican sur les effets du covid-19 sur les organisations de protection des animaux en Afrique : LISEZ-LE ICI


Nos organisations partenaires

Karen Menczer Founder and Director of Animal-Kind International working in animal rescue protection welfare and care in Africa and Honduras and Jamaica.

( Photo : Karen Menczer, fondatrice et directrice d'AKI)

AKI is a 2024 Great Non-Profit: Check out our 5 star reviews on Great Non-Profits (and please add your 5-star review!) Not only that, we've achieved the Platinum Seal of Transparency on Candid's GuideStar indicating the highest level of transparency and we received a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator!

Animal-Kind International is a Great NonProfit 2024 for global animal rescue protection care and welfare.
Animal-Kind International achieved Platinum candid seal 2024 for animal rescue protection care and welfare globally.
Charity Navigator four star rating badge for Animal-Kind International animal rescue protection care and welfare Africa and Latin America and Caribbean.

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  • Nous envoyons un bulletin électronique mensuel aux abonnés sur AKI et nos organisations soutenues.

  • Sur le blog AKI , nous publions des articles intermittents plus approfondis sur nos organisations soutenues et d'autres organisations de protection des animaux travaillant dans les pays pauvres du monde entier. Voir nos articles les plus récents sur le blog AKI ci-dessous.

  • Suivez-nous sur Facebook, Instagram et Twitter.

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