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Organizzazione partner AKI-Sauvons nos Animaux

Back ends of many dogs in a circle eating from a bowl

La partnership di AKI con Sauvons nos Animaux

Sauvons nos Animaux è la nostra ultima organizzazione partner, aggiunta dal 1 gennaio 2022! Dopo aver ricevuto un AKI Africa-Based Animal Welfare Organization Grant nel 2020 e un secondo nel 2021, abbiamo deciso di aggiungere SnA come partner.


È davvero difficile salvare cani e gatti e gestire un rifugio per animali nell'est della Repubblica Democratica del Congo: la regione è molto povera, è piena di conflitti e le catastrofi naturali (terremoti, inondazioni) sono frequenti. Ma Paterne Bushunju, fondatore e direttore di SnA (foto proprio al rifugio SnA), è determinato a garantire che i "suoi" cani e gatti ricevano il livello di cure che otterrebbero se fossero gli animali domestici di qualcuno. E speriamo di aiutarlo a raggiungere questo obiettivo.

Animal Kind International in Zimbabwe gives food for hungry dogs.

Photo above: Filling a bag with dry dog food; at weekly Doggy Tuesday events, Twala Trust sends supplemental food home for puppies, older dogs, and undernourished dogs. The additional food is especially important for these most vulnerable dogs and ensures they will have nutritious food to last until the next Doggy Tuesday. Goromonzi is primarily rural, with five villages in the immediate vicinity of the sanctuary. The local people are mostly unemployed or under employed with no formal means of income.

Doggy Tuesday


Twala Trust's Doggy Tuesday program takes place every Tuesday at the main gate of their sanctuary, where they set up a temporary shelter for vet checks, and staff and volunteers stand ready with 1,000 liters of food that they've cooked for the dogs, plus supplementary dog biscuits and dog meal (dry dog food) bagged for take home.

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Le immagini a destra mostrano le due sovvenzioni dell'Organizzazione per il benessere degli animali con sede in Africa che SnA ha ricevuto:


Nel 2021 SnA ha ricevuto una sovvenzione AKI per assumere un veterinario e un assistente veterinario per sterilizzare e castrare tutti gli animali domestici del rifugio e per fornire altre cure veterinarie necessarie.


Dopo il 1° paio di mesi, gli interventi chirurgici sono stati sospesi perché c'era una "carestia" al rifugio.


Le donazioni sono diminuite, i prezzi sono aumentati, SnA ha avuto problemi a raccogliere i soldi necessari per acquistare cibo per sfamare cani e gatti.  I donatori dell'AKI e altri sono venuti in loro soccorso e hanno raccolto fondi per cibo per cani e gatti in modo che gli animali del rifugio potessero riprendere le forze e gli interventi chirurgici potessero continuare.


Nel 2020, con il contributo dell'AKI, SnA ha costruito una struttura di quarantena e un recinto per cani per ospitare circa 25 cani nel canile. 

Twala Trust also sets up stations where they assist with flea and tick treatments in a dip bath, administer deworming tablets (given monthly), and fill up water bowls. There's also a library area for children to use while they wait for their dogs to be checked by the vet.


On Doggy Tuesday, dogs receive vaccinations against rabies (annual), and if funds allow, against distemper and parvovirus. Veterinary care is provided for illnesses and injuries, no matter what treatment is required, including major surgical procedures when necessary. Since Doggy Tuesday operates on Twala's sanctuary grounds, they can keep dogs at their on-site clinic if they need more complex or longer-term care. On average, Twala sterilizes 6 dogs a week, free of charge.


In the 9 years that Doggy Tuesday has been operating, the Twala Trust staff and volunteers have never missed a Doggy Tuesday! Even during COVID-19, they were given special permission to continue to operate as a "vital service to the community."

The Waggley Tail Club

Among the 400 residents at Twala Trust's sanctuary are over 70 elderly and disabled rural dogs, all of whom have been abandoned or surrendered due to old age, poor health, animal abuse situations, or dire circumstances experienced by their owners. This group is Twala Trust's Waggley Tail Club. The Trust provides lifelong care in a kennel-free environment for the dogs in the Waggley Tail Club.


Waggley Tail Club dogs live out their lives at the Twala Trust sanctuary with their physical and emotional needs met by experienced and dedicated staff and volunteers. While Twala does not aim to rehome these dogs, they may be placed in homes under strict criteria, including home checks and lifelong veterinary support through the Trust's Forever Foster program.

How your donations were used

Pie chart showing that Twala Trust in Zimbabwe uses AKI donations mainly for dog and cat food.

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