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Here's how Liberia AWCS used your donations from October through December 2017

AKI's 2nd disbursement of 2017 arrived in Liberia in September. Thanks to donations from you, our AKI supporters, Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society is able to continue and expand their Humane Education Program and Animal Care Clinics. Here's how LAWCS used your donations from October through December 2017.

Message from Morris Darbo, Founder & Director of LAWCS (11 December 2017):

We recently added 3 new schools. We are now working with 35 schools in the three districts- Voinjama, Kolahun, and Foya Districts with over 18,000 children. Our basic outreach animal healthcare program is now functioning well with Abraham (Abie) taking the lead. He visits various communities, conducts an education program, and provides free basic healthcare for their animals.

(1) Your donations covered stipends for three LAWCS staff during October and November. The staff members oversee the LAWCS Humane Ed Program (pictures below) and organize Animal Care Clinics. It's important to ensure LAWCS has paid staff: they know their work is valued; LAWCS is able to retain trained staff; the staff are very dedicated to the mission of LAWCS (but everyone needs to make a living, so we are happy to be able to cover salaries, one of the few organizations that do).

LAWCS Humane Ed Program

LAWCS Humane Ed class

LAWCS-teaching Humane Ed

Humane Ed students

Humane Ed class

(2) Your donations bought the following supplies for LAWCS Animal Care Clinics (pictures below of some of the October-December clinics):

  • Multivitamins

  • Alcohol-base hand sanitizer

  • Mebendazole

  • Vitamin B Complex

  • Dog food during clinics

Animal Care Clinic

Abie examines a dog during a clinic

Abie examines a dog during a clinic

A puppy at the LAWCS clinic

LAWCS Animal Care Clinic

The children watch as dogs get check ups

Abie with a client

Abie runs the LAWCS Animal Care Clinics

(3) Your donations covered the cost of gas, engine oil, and maintenance for 2 motorbikes used in Kolahun and Foya districts. That means that thanks to you, LAWCS could travel around 2 of the 3 districts where they work (motorbikes are often the only way to get around these rural villages), checking the Humane Ed Program in schools, checking on the health of the animals in the communities, talking to community groups about caring for their animals (pictures below), and organizing Animal Care Clinics.

Community awareness raising

LAWCS visits community members to talk to them about caring for their pets

Community awareness raising

(4) LAWCS had anti-dog eating stickers printed and hosted a radio program in October and November as part of their Anti-Dog and Cat Meat Eating Campaign. (Yes, sadly, some people in Liberia eat dogs and cats.)

LAWCS on the radio!

An example of LAWCS campaign stickers

Besides the above financial support, AKI sent Humane Ed material to LAWCS (thank you Tina and Dudley!). The pictures below show how prized the coloring books and crayons are.

Humane Ed material from the US to Liberia

Animal coloring books are popular!

Coloring dogs

Artists to be!

Coloring a kitty picture

Coloring and learning about animals is a popular activity

Learning about animals while coloring

Prized possessions: coloring books from the US!

What does all of this great work accomplish? In Lofa County, Liberia, the animals are healthier than in other counties in Liberia; communities care for their cats and dogs; children are healthier because the dogs are treated for worms and other parasites, and when available, rabies shots are given; and children are happier--because we all know that dogs and cats are some of the best friends that children can have! Just look at the smiles on the faces below and see how healthy their pets look!

But LAWCS needs your support to keep their Humane Ed Program and Animal Care Clinics operating! They also need donations so that LAWCS staff can get advanced training.

Message from Morris Darbo:

Currently, LAWCS has a team of compassionate staff who are very eager in ensuring that the children and community people are well educated and informed about the plights of animals and empowered to start making real differences for animals. The Humane Education Program is currently our key strength. But there is still a need for training of the staff in humane education. LAWCS also needs capacity building for its Animal Health Worker(s). LAWCS is the only animal protection organization in Lofa County providing free care and treatment, and responding to animal cruelty cases in the county. The staff therefore need advance training in coping with the many animal protection issues in the country.

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