AKI Partner Organization-Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society (LAWCS)

AKI's Partnership with Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society

LAWCS was started in 2004 when the founder, Morris Darbo (picture above, in the middle), and some other concerned animal lovers in Lofa County, Liberia, began to campaign about the lack of care of domestic animals, especially cats and dogs.
By 2004, the number of dogs on the streets in Liberia's cities and towns had increased at an alarming rate, with most Liberians referring to the dogs jokingly as "citizens." Street dogs and cats were abused, were hungry and sick.
Liberia suffered years of exceptionally violent and traumatic civil war. The country is still feeling the effects. LAWCS is committed to Liberia’s recovery with a clear message of non-violence, character building, ending animal suffering, and creating a just, caring, and socially responsible society.
AKI supports LAWCS Humane Education Program (in-school program, after school Kindness Clubs, and community awareness raising) in Lofa County.
AKI also supports LAWCS Community Animal Care Clinics, where free, basic animal care is offered for pets in Lofa County, where there is no other vet care. As a matter of fact, only a couple of small animal vets practice in Liberia, and they are many hours away, in Monrovia! LAWCS volunteer, Abraham, received training to become a community animal healthcare worker, and vaccinates, de-worms, and provides other basic pet care.
After helping (advice, technical support, and visiting LAWCS, taking part in their Humane Ed and basic animal care clinics), starting in 2013, we made LAWCS an AKI Partner Organization in January 2016.

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