These are updates from some of our 2023 AKI-HaH-Namibia Emergency Veterinary Care Fund customers. Of course once an Emergency Fund patient is fully back to good health, it's difficult to get updates from their humans. But some do like to stay in touch--and we always enjoy hearing the good news. Others get in touch because they again need emergency veterinary care, and usually--if funds are available--we are happy to give our consent.
Chico may be our best known AKI-HaH Emergency Fund patient, he's had several unexpected visits to the vet. In the last few years, besides getting neutered, he was brought to the Rehoboth, Namibia vet clinic for the following emergency veterinary care :an eye issue, itchy skin, and most recently, for his leg.
To determine what was wrong, Chico's leg needed to be x-rayed, it seemed that the problem could be complicated (it usually is with Chico). The vet thought Chico might lose his leg, the smell was so bad, it was so infected. Chico needed to go to Windhoek, where he could get an x-ray and more complete care. He spent 2 weeks at the vet hospital in Windhoek, and was then sent home with all 4 legs intact. We're hoping we won't be seeing Chico again for a long time.

You may remember Granny from Rehoboth, who back in 2023 was kicked in the head by a very cruel person. The AKI-HaH Emergency Fund stepped in to help and provided the emergency veterinary care she desperately needed.

Granny is perfectly fine now--and obviously enjoys her food!

Houdini from Gobabis is another old AKI-HaH Emergency Fund patient. Early in 2023, Houdini wasn't feeling well and her caretaker, Willem, took her to the vet. The vet checked her teeth and decided she needed to get them cleaned. That was beyond her caretaker's ability to afford, so the AKI-HaH Emergency Fund came to Houdini's and Willem's rescue.
After the dental treatment, once she was back home, Houdini still wasn't herself and just didn't have her usual energy. Willem was very worried and brought her back to the vet. After three rounds of antibiotics and other medication she still wasn't doing well.
The vet recommended that Houdini get some blood tests, but they were going to be "expensive, Willem was told. We agreed to help Houdini again through the Emergency Fund. The results of the blood test gave the vet the information needed to get Houdini the correct medication.
The cost of the tests: N$ 500, which is ~US$25. Certainly that was worth it to help a little black kitty (the most spurned kind of cat) feel back to normal!

Cola Cat didn't feel well and her owner took her to Aanwo Vet Clinic in Rehoboth, where Dr Hileni checked her out and asked if the Emergency Fund could help the kitty since her owner had no money to spare. Cola Cat had already been spayed by HaH. Cola Cat got the medication and rest that she needed and once back to her old self was sent home.

Beautiful Cleo's owner noticed that her leg was swollen so he took her to Aanwo vet clinic in Rehoboth for a check up. Dr Hileni gave her pain and anti-inflammatory meds and hoped that would resolve the issue. There's no x-ray machine in Rehoboth, so that was the best Dr Hileni could do with what she had available. Everyone hoped for the best.
Cleo was sent home with the order to rest her leg for 24 hours and report back the next day.
The next day her owner returned to the clinic and reported that Cleo was back to her normal self, the leg was no longer as swollen and didn't seem painful. An easy fix for a sweet dog who had previously been spayed thanks to HaH!

Back in July 2022, when Knowledge was a small puppy, she had parvo and the AKI-HaH Emergency Fund came to her rescue, providing the funding for her vet care.

Knowledge's owner wanted to let us know that she is now a beautiful big black dog and is doing so well. Her owner loves her dearly. Knowledge now has a little sister, Bruno.

Jama lives with her family in Rehoboth and they really love her. When they noticed that something was wrong, they took her to the clinic in Rehoboth, where Dr Hileni diagnosed TVT, transmissible venereal tumor. Luckily, the Rehoboth clinic had the chemo drug (vincristine sulfate) available to treat Jama and we confirmed that the AKI-HaH-Namibia Emergency Fund could provide the veterinary care she needed as long as she was spayed, as well.

Jama's TVT treatment was started immediately. With each passing day, Jama got healthier and after her last TVT treatment, she was spayed.

One of our favorites was back at the vet clinic at the end of November, Kitsy! Happily, she was only there to get her stitches removed. We hope that will be her last visit to a vet clinic except for shots and to say hello to the people there who love her. If you don't know Kitsy's story, it is definitely worth reading! READ KITSY'S STORY

The AKI-HaH Emergency Fund is 100% funded by generous AKI supporters!