Pilar with our long-time AKI Partner Organization, Helping Hands for Hounds of Honduras, sent us this update about how they are helping dogs in Honduras with a focus on some of our old favorites at the Nereida Montes de Oca Sanctuary, the HHHH home for seniors, disabled, and unwanted cats and dogs.
Pixie is doing well at 3 1/2 lbs. On June 3rd, it will be 4 years since I rescued her from being euthanized. Her family didn't want her because she has deformed back legs (we don't mind!). She eats well and loves to get visits from her "godmother" Ana Maria.

Nicolas, Niko for short, was rescued Christmas day 2014. From seeing him here, you'd think he was a relaxed, sweet guy. But no, he has a bad temper. Now, in his old age, he's very grey and does not see, hear, or smell well. That probably contributes to his bad temper, but doesn't fully account for it! He's good tempered in his sleep and he loves to sleep.

Bunny is very lovable. She's a tripod and it's getting harder for her to get around on 3 legs. But she still enjoys life and loves her pillow and dog bed. She also loves to eat and talk. Every morning when Kelly arrives to help with cleanings and feedings, she whines and answers all her questions with different whines. She is definitely talking to us and often we understand what she's saying (it's always nice things).

Ash (black dog) is the mother of Dot (below). We rescued her when she was very pregnant too pregnant to spay. Of all her puppies, she and Dot were the only ones who weren't adopted, so of course they could remain here for life. Ash is getting very grey around the muzzle. She and Odin (brown dog) live together in the enclosure in the backyard.
Odin was skinny and had mange when he was rescued over five years ago by Jen and Badar, after he was abandoned near their home. He does not get along with the other dogs, but he and Ash are great buddies. He's gone from skinny and having no fur because of mange, to a very fluffy and chunky guy now. They both love when Kelly comes over to help with sanctuary chores.

Dobby is also getting grey, but still active. He's very lovable. You can see he has a good appetite. That gives him energy to greet me with barks when I get home, which he loves to do.

Dot was born here from rescued mom Ash. She will turn 5 on Feb 7th. She is very active and likes to bark and jump up on the fence when anyone walks by. She acts like she's a good guard dog.

Dot and Bunny like to fight over food. There are two other bowls, but they both always want the same one. You can see how they are eyeing each other. It's all non-violent though. Which is how we like to keep things at the Helping Hands for Hounds of Honduras Sanctuary!
In 2024, AKI support to HHHH covered the cost for cat and dog food, vet care for these [mostly] senior animals, and meds and other animal care supplies.
Over the years, we've published AKI Blog posts about the seven dogs in this post, how and when they were rescued and their progress and lives at the HHHH Sanctuary.