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Animal-Kind International Blog
Each AKI Blog post features an AKI Partner Organization, AKI Grant Recipient, or an individual or organization making a difference for animals in low income/resource-poor countries, where there is very little public support for animal welfare. In posts about our supported organizations, you'll also find details of how they use your donations to AKI.

Joanne Brown
May 18, 2021
A Visit to Nairobi Feline Sanctuary
Joanne and her daughter Cassia are AKI "Friendly Audit" volunteers. They're helping our 2020 grant recipient, Nairobi Feline Sanctuary,...

Karen Rae
Apr 21, 2021
Giving is Living-South Africa: 12 dogs gain their freedom
Giving is Living (GIL) is based in Cape Town, South Africa, where the group focuses on unchaining dogs in the townships to allow them to...

Martin Achiri, DVM
Apr 17, 2021
AKI Grant to Animal Welfare Society Cameroon helped the donkeys who help the cotton farmers
Animal Welfare Society (AWES)-Cameroon was one of the beneficiaries of a grant from AKI in the course of 2020-2021. The objective of our...

Animal-Kind International
Mar 9, 2021
AKI Grant benefits One Health & Development Initiative Nigeria
For AKI's 2020 grant program, we asked for innovative proposals that addressed covid-19 issues. One Health & Development...

Animal-Kind International
Mar 9, 2021
Together with Tikobane Trust-Zimbabwe, a success for donkeys
Tikobane Trust was a recipient of a 2020 AKI Africa-Based Animal Welfare Organization Grant. Their project aimed to improve the welfare...

Rachel M. Kabue
Mar 6, 2021
Featured Friends at the Nairobi Feline Sanctuary
In this post, Rachel Kabue, Founder& Director of NFS, shares stories of four amazing felines who have found a permanent loving home at...

Feb 12, 2021
AKI's Grant to Zambezi Working Donkey Project
Hesther Levy is the Director and in-country Operations Manager for Zambezi Working Donkey Project (ZWDP), an equine welfare organization...

Animal-Kind International
Feb 11, 2021
Fundraiser to save the Kinshasa Zoo animals by Save Animals in the Democratic Republic of Congo
One of our 2020 Africa-Based Animal Welfare Organization Grant Recipients, Save Animals-DRC, is helping the animals at the Kinshasa Zoo....

Animal-Kind International
Dec 16, 2020
Sauvons nos Animaux (Democratic Republic of Congo) completes their AKI grant project!
Sauvons nos Animaux used the AKI grant to construct two structures at their shelter: One pen that holds about 25 dogs, currently at the...

Animal-Kind International
Nov 20, 2020
The Celebrities of Save Animals-Democratic Republic of Congo
With the 2020 grant from AKI, Save Animals in the Democratic Republic of Congo became our 1st and only grant recipient to receive an AKI...

Animal-Kind International
Nov 6, 2020
Animal Protection Foundation-Egypt takes on the impossible-successfully-with an AKI grant
On June 9, we received a proposal from Animal Protection Foundation-Egypt to our Africa-Based Animal Welfare Organization Grant Program....

Animal-Kind International
Oct 8, 2020
Nairobi Feline Sanctuary has happy (and sterilized) cats thanks to the grant from AKI
Nairobi Feline Sanctuary used their grant from Animal-Kind International to build important infrastructure for the kitties at the sanctuary.

Animal-Kind International
Sep 7, 2020
Zambezi Working Donkey Project (Zambia) Launches their AKI Grant
The idea is to train a number of CLOs within each Senior Headman zone, who will support ZWDP's work and help to enforce ZWDP’s guidelines.
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