A Visit to Nairobi Feline Sanctuary
Animal-Kind International Blog
Each AKI Blog post features an AKI Partner Organization, AKI Grant Recipient, or an individual or organization making a difference for animals in low income/resource-poor countries, where there is very little public support for animal welfare. In posts about our supported organizations, you'll also find details of how they use your donations to AKI.
Giving is Living-South Africa: 12 dogs gain their freedom
AKI Grant to Animal Welfare Society Cameroon helped the donkeys who help the cotton farmers
AKI Grant benefits One Health & Development Initiative Nigeria
Together with Tikobane Trust-Zimbabwe, a success for donkeys
Featured Friends at the Nairobi Feline Sanctuary
AKI's Grant to Zambezi Working Donkey Project
Fundraiser to save the Kinshasa Zoo animals by Save Animals in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Sauvons nos Animaux (Democratic Republic of Congo) completes their AKI grant project!
The Celebrities of Save Animals-Democratic Republic of Congo
Animal Protection Foundation-Egypt takes on the impossible-successfully-with an AKI grant
Nairobi Feline Sanctuary has happy (and sterilized) cats thanks to the grant from AKI
Zambezi Working Donkey Project (Zambia) Launches their AKI Grant